Wednesday, November 3, 2010

“If it Won’t Fit on a Post-It, it Won’t Fit in Your day.”


“Because my day is a limited size, I figure it makes sense to limit the size of my to-do list.”

Post-its can be used to do some pretty amazing things, like above but many of us forget the every day use of a post-it, a simple small way to help you simplify and prioritise what needs to be done.

Its a simple practice really, when you get up in the morning, take up a post it and work out what’s the most important thing you need to do that day. Yes we all have never ending lists, but prioritise and work it around your schedule if you can.

Separate the post into four squares leaving the top left for the “Big task” of the day and then use the other three for things you would like to accomplish, whether they be unimportant or of lesser priority.

But never, Never, add to the post it note, that is today’s list, if it isn’t urgent to add, just do it tomorrow. If for every task you complete you add two more you will be get nothing done and in every sense of the word be going backwards.

The idea is counterintuitive, you get more done by making your to-do list shorter.

This isn't necessarily a replacement for the endless to-do list many of us have, but it's the little sheet that helps us tackle the major stuff we have to get done day-to-day.

You might find this works for you, I’m going to see how successful it is for me, and if I fail I might just get creative like in the photo above.

This idea is brought to you by Mark Forster, For more information: Click Here

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