Customer Reviews

Dropbox is a fantastic little online storage and online back up tool that you can sync up with on multiple computers, with access from your phone and the web too. When setting up an account you are given multiple options, my original post on Dropbox can be found here.

Review of Dropbox from frequent user and journalism student James Edwards. 

1) How did you first get introduced to Dropbox?

"I had heard of Dropbox from a few different people for a number of weeks but it wasn't until I read about it on this blog (or the blogs name I'm not sure if you're posting this on it or not) that i became aware of it's potential."

2) Have you introduced anyone you know to Dropbox?

"I've introduced a good few of my friends to Dropbox. Generally if I want to share something with someone while talking to them online I'll link them to the website and get them to download it."

3) Do  you believe that 2gb's is sufficient for free online storage?

"2gb's is excellent for free storage. While it's not enough to use as a form of permanent storage it's more then enough for transferring small to medium files to people and it's enough to use as a backup for any college work or business documents."

4) Do you find that Dropbox is user friendly?

"Any problems you have with Dropbox box can be quickly solved by going onto their website which is very good at answering any questions. I would say that it is very user friendly."

5) Are there any changes you would make to Dropbox?

"I would make the upgrade price a once off payment instead of a subscription. As i said before while I appreciate the idea of extra space I have no intention of subscribing to a monthly bill."

6) How do you use Dropbox on a daily basis?

"I generally use Dropbox to share music and TV shows with my friends and to send college work to my classmates if I want their opinion on it. I find it is a lot quicker then emailing it."

7) Is this a service you would ever pay for?

"I would pay for it as a once off payment but as it is a subscription I wouldn't pay for it. You don't continuously pay after buying a hard drive and while I appreciate that Dropbox is more useful than a standard hard drive I won't pay a subscription."

8) Would you consider upgrading for more space?

"As I said I like the idea of having more space as I could use it as a permanent form of storage for bigger files such as photos and music. However I don't want to have a monthly bill for it so as it stands I won't upgrade it."

9) Are you satisfied with this product?

"I'm very satisfied with everything Dropbox currently offers, I plan on continuing to use it for the foreseeable future."

10) Do you believe Dropbox is being utilized by users for more personal piracy?

"Without a doubt Dropbox will be used to transfer music and movies between people.In my opinion though the threat it represents to the industry is tiny next to that of torrents. Dropbox is the modern equivalent of copying a tape or burning a CD for someone."   

In Summary, Dropbox is a hugely satisfying product with great underlying potential but is it worth the price they are currently charging for it? The common customer seems to be content with the limited 2gb of space provided in the free version but as we move out lives further into the cloud and away from our own home computers will this change?Try out Dropbox for free at